Investors committed €5.1 billion to sustainable mutual funds in the third quarter. This compares to just €3.5 billion in the first quarter, according to a new infographic from, representing an increase of 45.7%. This is shown by figures from the Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e.V.. A look at Google data also reveals that searches for green stocks and sustainability are currently peaking.
From the end of June to the end of September alone, assets under management of sustainable mutual funds increased by 27%. In contrast, the increase for conventional funds amounted to 2%.
The Google trend score for the search terms „sustainability“ and „green stocks“ currently stands at a maximum value of one hundred in a 12-month review, meaning that at no point in this period were more Germans searching for the terms mentioned.
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Great Interest
According to a study by „JPMorgan“, 22.2% of Germans display a „very great“ interest in sustainable investments, while a further 42.4% are „interested“. Just 16% show no interest at all.
However, an international comparison shows that Germany is by no means leading the way when it comes to sustainable investment. According to the „Global Investor Study 2020“, 37% of German citizens believe that sustainable investments lead to higher returns. 42% of people worldwide share this opinion.
The advance of sustainable investments is also underlined by a look at the price performance of selected ETFs. In a 12-month review, the Global Clean Energy ETF grew by 96.7%. The MSCI World Socially Responsible ETF also rose by 7.3%, while the DAX, Germany’s leading index, was unable to post any gains.
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