Gold replaces shares as safest investment: 31% of Germans expect prices for the precious metal to outperform other asset classes over the next 3 years. This emerges from a new infographic of
Second most popular were stocks, with 25% of those asked preferring this type of asset. Last year, however, the opposite was true, as a survey by the „Forsa Institute“ shows.
The infographics indicate that responses differed according to education. Gold was most popular among those with a vocational diploma. Among those with a secondary school leaving certificate, 33% saw it as the safest investment, whereas among those with a university degree the figure was only 22%.
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Sharp Rise in Demand for Gold
Meanwhile, Google analysis reveals that search queries for „buy gold“ and „gold“ are rising sharply. At no point since the search engine’s records began have more people searched for gold than in March 2020, and searches remains high in June. The Google trend score for the term gold, indicating relative search volume, is currently at 80, with a value of 100 representing the highest possible search volume.
The general public are not alone in recognizing gold’s potential. For example, 84% of analysts at large banks such as Citigroup, JP Morgan or LBBW expect gold prices to rise. Experts from the Bank of America in turn predicted that the price of an ounce of gold could rise by up to 75% in the coming months, taking it to as much as USD 3,000.
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