51.2% more mobile games were downloaded via Google’s App Store in the period between April and June than in the same quarter of the previous year, equivalent to 4.2 billion more downloads. This is the result of a new infographic from Kryptoszene.de. It is clear that the gaming industry is benefiting from the crisis in other respects too.
Global video game sales are projected to grow 11.4% for the year as a whole compared to 2019, according to the „Statista Digital Market Outlook“. The pandemic is a clear growth driver.
The e-sports sector is also expanding and flourishing: 32% of Germans surveyed by „Deloitte“ report spending more time on e-sports since Covid-19, with 33% also prepared to spend more money on this. Meanwhile, enthusiasm for e-sports is growing fastest in Spain, which has suffered particularly badly from restrictions in the face of the Corona crisis.
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E-Sports by Region
62% of Spaniards claim to be familiar with the term e-sports, thus ranking first in a Europe-wide comparison. Germany is again in third place, with 53% familiar with the term.
Gaming Stocks Crisis Winners
As can be seen in the infographic, gaming stocks have recently made strong gains. For example the price of TakeTwo Interactive shares rose by 43.1% in a 6-month review. Nintendo and Activision Blizzard similarly posted gains of 42% and 30.5% respectively.
Over the same period, important indices such as the Dow Jones and DAX climbed only slightly. The US index rose by 4.5%, with the DAX gaining 2.2%. Gaming stocks are the winners of the hour – and there are many indications that this trend has further to go, as the forecast shown in the infographics clearly illustrates.
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