Hydrogen technology is still pretty niche, especially in the automotive sector. Last year, in Germany, there were 392 vehicles with a hydrogen drive. However, an infographic from Kryptoszene.de shows that a fundamental change is taking place: The search volume on Google for hydrogen shares is increasing explosively, the infrastructure is constantly being expanded, and scientists even predict hydrogen technology a triumphant march in the nearest future.

Google’s demand for hydrogen and hydrogen stocks is at an all-time high. The search volume score is 100, the largest possible value. The relative search volume increased ten-fold within a year, as shown on the infographic. Much of the growth happened at the beginning of the still young 2020.

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Constant Expansion of The Hydrogen Infrastructure

In 2017, 56 German gas stations introduced the opportunity to refuel hydrogen vehicles. Two years later, in 2019, there were 60 gas stations. Recently, the number of gas stations grew even further – there are now 107 hydrogen stations in the Federal Republic of Germany. Since last year alone, the number has increased by around 78%.

Of the 57.3 million registered vehicles, only 319 were hydrogen-fueled, according to the Federal Motor Transport Authority. According to hydrogen forecasts by „GermanHy“, the niche status can quickly become a relic from the past: by 2050, it might be possible for almost three out of four cars to be powered by hydrogen.

Hydrogen Shares Win the Day

High demand, the expansion of the infrastructure, and bullish studies – from this background, it is not surprising that hydrogen stocks are now on the upswing. In 2020 alone, the Nel ASA share price increased by 37%. Ballard Power grows even stronger, with 63% in the same period. Powercell Sweden shares climbed 83% in the two and a half months.

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Christian Becker

Christian Becker ist Journalist von Beruf, seit ein paar Jahren ist er aber spezialisiert auf Kryptowährungen und Kursanalysen von Aktien bei Kryptoszene.de tätig. Er hat hauptberuflich bei IsarGold GmbH als Journalist und Analyst gearbeitet und schrieb auch regelmäßig für Kryptoszene.de, indem er Charts von Kryptowährungen und Aktien analysierte. Im März 2020 entschloss er sich weiterhin freiberuflich aber in Vollzeit bei Kryptoszene.de anzufangen und ist bis jetzt als einer der Hauptautoren und Redakteuren hier tätig.

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