From Q1 to Q4 2019, the number of daily Bitcoin transactions dropped by 23%, as a new infographic by shows. Bitcoin’s value, again, slightly increased. However, with 348,211 transactions on March 9, 2020, it is still below the average for the previous year’s quarter. Furthermore, the infographic shows that wealth inequality continues to grow: 42.01% of all existing bitcoin is in 0.01% of BTC accounts, according to data from „Bitinfocharts„.
If the major players continue to choose to hold the cryptocurrency, the tendency of the unequal distribution will be hard to compete with. The reason is: 18.26 million units of the cryptocurrency are already in circulation. The total amount, however, is 21 million. That means that 15% of BTCs are not yet on the cryptomarket. In Q4 2012, only 10.61 million bitcoins were in circulation. However, the speed of the BTC generation is slowing down. By 2140, all coins are expected to be on the market.
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Crypto-Infrastructure: Number of Bitcoin ATMs Is Increasing Rapidly
In March 2017, there were 1,066 Bitcoin machines installed worldwide. Since then, the volume has increased by 568% to 7,129 BTC ATMs today („CoinATMRadar„).
However, the regional distribution is quite uneven. Almost 80% of all ATMs are located in North America. 17.3% are located in Europe. Country-wise, Germany is ranking seventh with 72 ATMs. At the top of the list is the USA with 5,158 Bitcoin ATMs, followed by Canada, Great Britain, Austria, Spain, and Switzerland. However, if you want to trade cryptocurrencies in Asia or Africa, you have to rely on crypto-exchanges.
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