Since the stock market crash on 19th February, Ferrari’s stock market value has fallen by 10.2%. Over the same period, however, their German competitors lost significantly more in market value, as can be seen in a new infographic from Volkswagen and Porsche, for example, suffered losses of 21.8% and 21.5% respectively.
The verdict of numerous reports, including a recent headline in „Die Zeit“ on a crisis in the car industry, is that the automotive industry is suffering particularly acutely from the impacts of the corona crisis. Ferrari, on the other hand, lost 1.6 percentage points less than the DAX – an index that also includes companies from sectors less affected by the pandemic.
Despite this above-average performance, Google searches for „Ferrari shares“ are not at a high. The Google trend score, an indication of relative search volume, is currently at 49, with a value of 100 representing the greatest possible interest.
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Ferrari Continues on Course for Growth
Last year the premium manufacturer sold 10,131 vehicles. Since 2013, the Italians have been able to steadily expand their sales, with an increase of 44.7% over the last 7 years. From 2018 to 2019, Ferrari recorded its strongest ever growth, with 880 more vehicles sold.
Meanwhile, the infographics show that the United States of America is by far Ferrari’s most valuable market. For example, last year the Group generated sales of $5,387 million on the other side of the Atlantic. By contrast, the company generated just $456 million dollars in Germany. Switzerland in turn holds fifth place among countries with the highest revenues for Ferrari – quite remarkable considering its population of 8.57 million.
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